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Mother Teresa Modern Public School Facilitated with “Best School Using Technology” Award


Our main aim is to guide the future leaders towards a path that not only makes them confident but also supports their strong career aspirations. In order to serve them with nothing but the best Mother Teresa Modern Public School, one of the best schools in Kurukshetra uses all the latest technology that they can utilize for their growth. The expert faculty at Mother Teresa Modern Public School teaches all the students using modern technology and we are honored to share that we recently got recognized with “Best School Using Technology” award.

Our teachers go under rigorous training sessions to get well acquainted with the technology before they start teaching the students, this ensures that teachers are capable of achieve greatness with the latest tech. We warmly invite your children to the cradle of knowledge. We want to give our kids a platform to express themselves, have fun while learning, and explore the world around them with the help of our dedicated staff and engaged parents.

Our smart classrooms have the ideal environment for optimal learning and are roomy, nicely furnished, and well-ventilated. Wi-fi is available in the classrooms, and they are furnished with the tools needed to use technology to educate our children.

Using modern tech comes with a bunch of benefits like, it reduced the heavy bag weight that children carry each day to school, and parents get regular and timely feedback and status of their children absence, presence and what all they did in a day. This technology has also benefited teachers as they can now properly monitor the classroom and pay attention to the children who are behind.

Mother Teresa Modern Public School is one of the first school in Kurukshetra, that uses modern technology from 1st standard till 12th standard. We are excited announce that we also got “Innovation in Education” by the Asian education award 2023 committee.

We work hard to bring out the best in each of our students by teaching them how to think creatively and laterally, how to focus on research, how to make decisions, and how to develop the physical and mental fortitude necessary to succeed in any circumstance.

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