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Help Your Child to Cope with Exam-Related Stress

School in Kurukshetra, Best CBSE School in Kurukshetra

“Plan, prepare, and study” is the only mantra to deal with the impending exam pressure.

Exams can be a tough part of school life for most children. Generally, children hate these exams. However, it is the way to give a reality check to them. Since exams are unavoidable, being a responsible parent, it is always imperative for you to make them feel comfortable and guide them in different ways to cope with them.

Here are a few tips from Mother Teresa School’s end to assist your child to be calm, confident, prepared, and motivated during this crucial period.

With Your Child, Plan Ahead of Time

Exam preparation requires extensive advance planning. Everyone knows about their examination, so there is no justification for not making a strategy. Students should create a study plan with their professors’ and parents’ assistance and adhere to it religiously. Depending on the student’s skill level, allocate the right study time for each subject. Never be afraid to make changes to your plan if it doesn’t seem to be working. If your child finds a particular subject difficult, spend more time studying that particular subject or topic.

Discover Your Child’s Strengths and Weaknesses

Each person has a unique set of skills. Some students excel in mathematics because they find it simple, while others excel in language and the humanities because they believe those courses to be easy. As they study, help your child determine their areas of strength and weakness. Try to understand your child’s talents as a parent & not to pressurize them to get the highest marks in their class. An average student won’t suddenly become the best in the class. Set attainable and realistic objectives for them. Therefore, motivating them rather than overburdening them with high expectations is always recommended.

Motivate Them to Take Short Breaks

During exams, every day seems like Groundhog Day. Encourage them to leave their desks and continue with their daily tasks occasionally. They must occasionally unplug, whether by going for a short bike ride around the block to clear their thoughts or playing online games with their buddies. Distraction is frequently stigmatized when it comes to studying for exams, but with everything going on in the world, taking a break now and then can help you feel less stressed. Take advantage of break time to stroll and enjoy some fresh air with your teen.

Assist Your Child Eat Healthy and Take Proper Sleep

A healthy, and balanced diet is imperative for your child’s well-being and can support their well-being during exam times. Some parents believe that meals and beverages rich in fat, sugar, and caffeine, like energy drinks, cola, chocolate, burgers, sweets, and chips, cause their kids’ hyperactivity, irritability, and moodiness. Consciousness and thinking are enhanced by adequate sleep. Children often need 8 to 10 hours of sleep every night. Typically, studying all night before an exam is not a good idea. Sleep is much more advantageous to your child than a quick burst of last-minute study.

What Not to Do as a Parent?

  • Try not to exude your anxiety to your child. Your own anxiety will increase your child’s anxiety.
  • Avoid comparing your child to other kids and letting other people’s actions or potential actions get you down.
  • While supervising your child, try not to make them too dependent on you. Allow them to decide and plan things on their own.
  • After the completion of one exam, motivate them to concentrate on getting ready for the upcoming exam day.
  • Be a good mentor for your child, but if they are really battling with test stress, don’t be afraid to use professional helplines.
  • Avoid meeting your child with friends who always give negative examples of test failure. Always motivate them to stay positive rather than negative.
  • Make sure to enroll your child in one of the best schools in Kurukshetra.

Bottom Line

Exams are used to gauge a student’s proficiency in a given subject. Children, however, have their own worries and rely heavily on their parents’ assistance to get through them. Exam preparation is simple if the parent lends a helping hand to their child, and your assistance greatly affects their outcome. Parents may assist their children in performing well on their exams by providing them with the appropriate amount of balanced support and encouragement.

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